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​​A pioneering project

The Student Journal of Psychology is a psychology journal run by the University of Kent Psychology Society. It was founded in 2011 and provides undergraduates and postgraduates with the opportunity to get a publication during their university degree. This is the first time any Psychology Society in the UK has provided this to their students. It is our aim to allow students the flexibility and creativity to write about what interests them in psychology.


Encompassing the whole of psychology

The Student Journal of Psychology welcomes any articles, book or literature reviews, conference reports, and commentaries on any aspect of psychology. We also welcome publications of scientific research or systematic reviews.


Our vision

With the Student Journal of Psychology we aim to provide undergraduates and postgraduates with an opportunity to refine their academic and writing skills by encouraging them to write publishable articles. Furthermore, we want to encourage scientific thinking and debate around current topics of psychology.

Editorial Board


Tim Callen,


Emily Louisa Jarret,


Hannah Tummon,

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